11th EFIS-EJI South Eastern European Immunology School (SEEIS2019)

September 27 - 30, 2019 in Pristina, Kosovo





Lecturers and Topics


Preliminary Program



Guidelines for Abstracts




Guidelines for Submitting an Abstract


Dear participants of SEEIS2019,

we hope that many participants will present their work in a poster workshop, that will take place in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. There will be time for a poster presentation session and place to display posters. We ask you to submit an abstract by e-mail with your application.

We are putting a lot of effort into the organization of SEEIS2019 to enable you an excellent training in immunology in a relaxing, familiar atmosphere. A main part of the school is also that you get trained how to present your own work. In this respect, we encourage you to submit an abstract of your work. In the WORD and POWERPOINT files (download below) you find a template how the abstracts should look like. When you submit your application please already submit the text abstract.

More and more journals request graphical abstracts when submitting a manuscript, thus, you have to practice this. Further, we need the graphical abstract for the oral presentations/slide shows (download below).The graphical abstracts we need latest until August 31, 2019.

Please follow strictly the format shown in the templates. Please also watch how the files are named: replace the word "Template" with your family name followed by underscore TextAbstract or GraphicalAbstract.

You have 2 time slots to present your work:
1) during the "Running Slide Shows" in the evenings. By using your graphical abstract you have three minutes to transport the take-home message also called "elevator message" to your audience. It is called elevator message, because it might be that once you will meet in an elevator an influential or rich person, such as Bill Gates. When he asks you what you are doing you have to be prepared to explain him your work in this short elevator time in such a way that he gets excited and funds your work with a substantial amount of money. This part is the teaser for
2) the poster session, where you can present your work in more detail to the audience that you attract by the teaser.

The presentation and training in a familiar atmosphere with beverages and snacks will support the development of your career!

Abstract Text Template

Graphical Abstract Template

