8. EFIS-EJI South Eastern European Immunology School (SEEIS2016)

14 - 17 October 2016 in Durres, Albania





Lecturers and Topics


Preliminary Program



Guidelines for Abstracts




Information about the School

The school will start on Friday 14 October at 18:00 h and will end on Monday 17 October at 11:00 h.
The school will be held at Hotel Bleart in Durres, Albania.

The school will consist of lectures and practical training in fluorescence microscopy for autoantibody detection (provided by Euroimmun) and in flow cytometry with an Accuri flow cytometer (provided by Becton Dickinson).

Rooms will be shared by 2 participants.

Travel Information

Durres can be reached by bus from Tirana International Airport (1 hour).
It can also reached from Tirana City by bus (2 hours).
You need a passport to cross the border.

We will organize a bus transfer from Tirana airport.
A bus will leave from the airport at 15 h on Friday 14 October.


We acknowledge generous support from

European Federation of Immunological Societies

International Union of Immunological Societies

British Society for Immunology

Euroimmun, Luebeck, Germany

Becton Dickinson, Heidelberg, Germany



Please send your application before 10 July !


Concept of the School

The primary aim of this summer school is to teach immunology to young investigators in immunology from South-East Europe, i.e. Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania. Some countries of this region still need help to establish a state-of-the-art immunology.
The topic of the school is "Concepts in Immunology". Lectures will deal with current concepts in immunology that are of special importance for basic but also for clinical immunology. The last school has shown that many participants have a medical background. Also controversially discussed topics will be presented. To provide an optimal discussion the participants will form small working groups according to their knowledge and interests that will be guided by the speakers. Methodological aspects will also be discussed. We will provide a practical microscopy course organized by Euroimmun, Luebeck, Germany, and a flow cytometry course organised by BectonDickinson, Heidelberg. Presentation of the work of the young investigators themselves in a special workshop is an important part of the school.

Six previous EJI-EFIS immunology schools were held in Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Romania. They got a very positive feedback from the participants.

SEEIS2009 in Ohrid, Macedonia

SEEIS2010 in Dubrovnik, Croatia

SEEIS2011 in Arandjelovac, Serbia

SEEIS2012 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

SEEIS2013 in Sofia, Bulgaria

SEEIS2014 in Timisoara, Romania

SEEIS2015 in Becici, Montenegro